
Best 5 +2 in 1 + 2 month

1. Before Augmented Reality comes to the daily life and online shop book

these two idea would be similar, or the same concept

as i mentioned in Before Augmented Reality comes to the daily life there should be a step before AR coming to our real life.

this idea is similar to the previous post, but extracting digital world's component into real world.
it would be nice if some companies ship the product just by reading QR code or RFID through our smart phones. and if we registered your payment information and address, we can use it in multiple books or shops (which i posted in the previous post)

2. iPhone nano would be interesting

what if we could use it like a phone??
i posted before Cordless extention of mobile phone in which we can use other device as a cordless extension of a mobile phone, but what if the mobile phone itself is small enough so that we can carry with us always... just like a watch!

3. Small signal for distance places

what if we could have small tangible staff on our desk, and it has really small signal communication... like tangible "poke" system.

4. blog search interface

it would be nice if we could search the blogs like mac's folder's one function

5. Shower head with Shampoo dispenser

using shower head as shampoo, or body soap dispenser.
it means we never waste shampoo or water.


i havent been updated, so add 2 more :p


6. Computer Display with Digital Photo Frame Function

t would be nice if computer display could have digital photo frame function after turning off the computer...

7. Physical Folders of Local Folder in A Computer

it might be interesting to have physical folder in our life to access to local folder in our computer. of course it doesn't mean we will have tons of folders, but some of the folders that we use(or used) often.

Thank you for reading :)

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